Economic Barriers to Health Tourism Development in Iran

Document Type : Letter to Editor


1 Department of Health Economics, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Clinical Research Institute, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran


Health tourism has become an increasingly popular industry, and countries are competing extremely to attract more health tourists. However, there are several barriers to the development of this industry in Iran, including economic ones. To overcome these challenges, Iran must establish effective international relations, improve its infrastructure related to health tourism, develop targeted marketing mechanisms, and stabilize the economy. By implementing a comprehensive and strategic plan, Iran can emerge as a major player in the health tourism industry, competing with other countries in the region.
Health tourism has become an increasingly popular industry, and countries are competing extremely to attract more health tourists. However, there are several barriers to the development of this industry in Iran, including economic ones. To overcome them, Iran must establish effective international relations, improve infrastructure related to health tourism, have targeted marketing mechanisms, and stabilize the economy. By implementing a comprehensive and strategic plan, Iran can emerge as a major player in the health tourism industry, competing with other countries in the region.


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