Evaluation of the Realization of the Management and Leadership Axis in the National Accreditation Standards Program in Shiraz Hospitals, Iran, 2017

Document Type : Original Article


1 1. Excutive master of Business Administration (EMBA), Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran 2. Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Department of management, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran

3 Chief of accreditation office, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

4 Young and Elite Researchers Club,Islamic Azad University, Kish Branch,Kish Iland.


Introduction: Accreditation is one of the standard assessment systems in hospitals used for its importance, efficiency, and critical role in improving health care services. According to the statistics, one of the primary accreditation axes is the management and leadership axis. Considering the close relationship between management and clinical issues in hospitals. This study aims to evaluate the realization of the management and leadership unit in Shiraz hospitals.  
Method: The research population in this applied field study includes 33 public and private hospitals in Shiraz (i.e., charitable, military, and affiliated hospitals). According to the Ministry of Health's announced checklist, all data was gathered from the hospital accreditation program during 2017 (the latest overall accreditation) completed by trained assessors. The accreditation certificate was issued. All data regarding Shiraz hospitals were collected from the accreditation portfolio of hospitals after obtaining the necessary permits. Data was analyzed in inferential levels using SPSS25 software.
Results: The study results demonstrated that the average percentage of realization of the sub-axes of the governing team, executive management team, quality improvement, error management, disaster risk, and human resources management in public hospitals were higher than those of private and affiliated ones. The average percentage of realization of the sub-axes of supply and accommodation management and food management increased in private hospitals than those of the public ones.
Conclusion: The results showed that the average achievement percentage of six sub-axes was higher in public hospitals than the private and affiliated ones. Therefore, it reveals that public hospitals have paid more attention to infrastructural issues while working on the leadership axis than the other hospital types. The higher achievement percentage is necessary to deliver better service to patients.
The public hospitals manifested a better performance in meeting the standards of this axis. The study conducted on these criteria showed that infrastructural issues had been paid more attention while being developed. Meanwhile, it is also required to pay more attention to the promotion of the processes as well as infrastructural matters to improve the level of safety and the services provided to patients


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