Determining the Effectiveness of an Insurance Document Evaluation Education Course based on Kirkpatrick’s Model: A Study at Abu Ali Sina Transplantation Hospital, Shiraz, 2022

Document Type : Original Article


1 Supervisor of education, Department of education, administrative, para clinic, and support, Abu-Ali Sina Hospital, Sadra City, Iran

2 Abu Ali Sina Hospital, Shiraz, Iran

3 Abu-Ali Sina Hospital, Shiraz, Iran


Introduction: Every organization should train its employees to improve their performance.
Organizational staff education is useful when evidence shows its effectiveness in changing
the performance of participants. However, the evaluation of the results is often neglected.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the education course in the
insurance and discharge unit of Abu Ali Sina Transplantation Hospital.
Methods: The sample consisted of 18 people, of whom 14 participated in the research. The
education course was held in 8 sessions in the hospital environment for the personnel. The
main tool of this research consisted of 4 questionnaires for the four levels of the Kirkpatrick
model, the content validity and reliability of which have been confirmed. At the learning
level, in addition to the questionnaire, pre-test and post-test were used. These questionnaires
were completed by the participants after the end of the education course, and the results were
analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: Based on the results, the highest score was obtained at the learning level. The reaction
level also had the lowest score. In total, the effectiveness of the course was 84.05% (4.2±0.5).
Conclusion: Considering the positive results of the education course and its effectiveness,
organizations are encouraged to train their employees to increase the motivation, initiative,
and quality of the employees’ work.


Main Subjects