A Framework for Implementing IT Service Management in the Field of Pre-hospital Emergency Management with an Integrated Approach COBIT Maturity Model and ITIL Framework

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student in Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: The purpose of this research is to provide an appropriate framework for
implementing IT management services in the field of pre-hospital emergencies with an
integrated approach of COBIT maturity model and ITIL framework.
Methods: In a qualitative part, experts familiar with the field of pre-hospital emergency and
information technology were purposefully selected. In the quantitative phase of the statistical
community, we included experts in the field of information technology management who
are also experts in the field of emergency, as well as university professors who worked
in the field of emergency and senior and middle managers in the field of pre-hospital
emergency entered the community. Considering the limitations of the community and the
purposefulness of the selection of individuals to enter the community, 915 individuals were
selected as a sample. To select a sample in the quantitative section, Morgan table was used.
They were selected by simple random method using software. To collect information, we
first reviewed the texts and articles in the field of ITIL and COBIT and then the extracted
codes in this category were reviewed and an overview of the research was obtained; then,
in the qualitative part the interview method and in the quantitative part the researchermade
questionnaire were used. To analyze the data in the qualitative section, we used MAX
QDA software to review and categorize the information. Then, in the quantitative section,
the researcher-made questionnaire was collected and finally the model was fitted using
confirmatory factor analysis.
Results: In the end, it was concluded that the main components such as management,
organization, processes, eyes, size, goals of the organization, staff, monitoring and evaluation,
support, organization, information architecture and service delivery and their subcomponents
were the main factors that should be paid special attention in the field of prehospital
emergency management.
Conclusion: To be more successful in implementing the organization’s framework, it must
identify the most important problems and then create a controllable domain to implement
service support processes in the organization. The selected processes should be strongly and
clearly supported by the general management of the organization. A codified and specific
plan for implementation should be developed. A coordinated and planned approach for
design, implementation should be specified and after the implementation of the mentioned
processes. After expressing the output measurement indicators of the processes, the outputs
should be measured and based on the changes that exist, these changes should be considered
and returned to the planning stage to re-formulate the steps.


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