Designing and Validating the Behavioral Reduction Model through the Conscious Mind of the Social Security Organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Education, Tehran-jonob Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran-jonob, Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Department of Education, Tehran-jonob Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran-jonob, Iran

3 Assistant Professor in Department of Education, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad university, Roudehen, Iran


Introduction: Nowadays, the reduction of behavioral emotions among employees of
organizations is of great importance and extent. Moreover, the component of strengthening
mindfulness is an important issue based on mental psychological responses in reducing
the damage caused by behavioral emotions. The current research aimed to determine the
components of an appropriate model to reduce behavioral emotions through the mindfulness
of social security organization employees.
Methods: In order to achieve the goals of the research, firstly, the theoretical foundations
and the background of the research related to the regulation of behavioral emotions through
mindfulness were investigated, and the indicators of this type of evaluation were determined;
consensus was reached using the fuzzy Delphi method and the opinion of experts. Then, to
determine the factor loading of the indexes of each of the components, we used confirmatory
factor analysis test in structural equations and Smart PLS software. Therefore, the current
research with its method of mixed exploration can be considered as developmental research
and an applied one in terms of its objective. In the qualitative part, the statistical population
included 30 experts using a non-random and snowball method, and in the quantitative part,
a sample of 200 managers and employees of the social security organization was included.
Results: According to the results based on the review of the literature and interviews
conducted, 76 factors were identified based on the literature and interviews. Furthermore,
12 sub-indices for behavioral emotions were categorized in the form of components such as
descriptive observation, mindful action, acceptance without judgment and non-reaction, as
well as 12 sub-indices for the construct of mindfulness in the form of components such as
anger, anxiety and stress, fear, and sadness.
Conclusion: Mindfulness-based interventions can help strengthen coping strategies to deal
with this reality and maintain the employees’ mental health and well-being.
