Background: Talent management (TM) strategies are one of the most important factorsthat can change the innovation climate. The main aim of this research was to investigate theinfluence of TM strategies on innovation climate in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. The target population included all facultymembers. In this research, 242 faculty members were selected through accidental samplingmethod. Data collection instruments were TM strategies questionnaire based on Collings andMellahi’s model and innovation climate questionnaire based on Luthans et al. model. The data analysis was done using Pearson correlation, one way ANOVA, t-tests and regression model.Results: According to the results, TM strategies and innovation climates cores were 4.29±1.17 and 4.17±1.17, respectively. The results showed that there was a statistically significant relationship with TM strategies (open communication, employee development, rewards and recognitions, managing performance and open climate/culture) and innovation climate. As a result, all research hypotheses were confirmed.Conclusion: TM strategies are a comprehensive, department wide program designated toimprove the employees’ satisfaction, strengthen the workplace learning and help the employees better manage the changes and transitions. The study suggested that talent management strategies are a comprehensive, department wide program designated to improve the faculty member’s satisfaction, strengthen workplace learning and help the employees better manage the changes and transitions.Keywords: Talent management strategies, Organizational climate, Innovation climate
Bahrami, S. (2018). Talent Management Strategies and Innovation Climate in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Health Management & Information Science, 5(2), 65-71.
Bahrami, S. . "Talent Management Strategies and Innovation Climate in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences", Health Management & Information Science, 5, 2, 2018, 65-71.
Bahrami, S. (2018). 'Talent Management Strategies and Innovation Climate in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences', Health Management & Information Science, 5(2), pp. 65-71.
S. Bahrami, "Talent Management Strategies and Innovation Climate in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences," Health Management & Information Science, 5 2 (2018): 65-71,
Bahrami, S. Talent Management Strategies and Innovation Climate in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Health Management & Information Science, 2018; 5(2): 65-71.