Introduction: Performance measurement is receiving increasing verification all over the world. Nowadays in a lot of organizations, irrespective of their type or size, performance evaluation is the main concern and a key issue for top administrators. The purpose of this study is to organize suitable key performance indicators (KPIs) for hospitals’ performance evaluation based on the balanced scorecard (BSC).Method: This is a mixed method study. In order to identify the hospital’s performance indicators (HPI), first related literature was reviewed and then the experts’ panel and Delphi method were used. In this study, two rounds were needed for the desired level of consensus. The experts rated the importance of the indicators, on a five-point Likert scale. In the consensus calculation, the consensus percentage was calculated by classifying the values 1-3 as not important (0) and 4-5 to (1) as important. Simple additive weighting technique was used to rank the indicators and select hospital’s KPIs. The data were analyzed by Excel 2010 software.Results: About 218 indicators were obtained from a review of selected literature. Through internal expert panel, 77 indicators were selected. Finally, 22 were selected for KPIs of hospitals. Ten indicators were selected in internal process perspective and 5, 4, and 3 indicators in finance, learning and growth, and customer, respectively.Conclusion: This model can be a useful tool for evaluating and comparing the performance of hospitals. However, this model is flexible and can be adjusted according to differences in the target hospitals. This study can be beneficial for hospital administrators and it can help them to change their perspective about performance evaluation.Keywords: Hospital, Balanced scorecard, Performance, Indicator
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H. Rahimi , Z. Kavosi , P. Shojaei and E. Kharazmi, "Key performance indicators in hospital based on balanced scorecard model," Health Management & Information Science, 4 1 (2017): 17-24,
Rahimi, H., Kavosi, Z., Shojaei, P., Kharazmi, E. Key performance indicators in hospital based on balanced scorecard model. Health Management & Information Science, 2017; 4(1): 17-24.