Introduction: Patients are recently more aware and conscious. This is because of the belief that a high level of quality can translate into patient satisfaction. This is critical for healthcare providers as they deal with life. This recognition by both the service provider and service receivers made the government to establish units of service commission (SERVICOM) in each of the governmental agencies including hospitals in Nigeria to monitor the level of quality of service delivery. However, to what extent do patients’ perceptions about health services seem to have been largely recognized remain unclear by health care providers, despite the (SERVICOM) units in public institutions in Nigeria?Method: A cross-sectional analytical study using convenient sample method, based on the fact that not every patient of the selected hospitals can be chosen, was performed on 400 patients who received health services at four different public hospitals in Ogun state Nigeria. The selection of these hospitals was based on the zones in the state (Egba, Ijebu, Remo and Yewa area of Ogun-state). The instrument was a valid and reliable analytical hierarchy process based questionnaire containing five service quality dimensions. Data were analyzed using SPSS, Expert choice and Microsoft Excel software to determine the perception of patients towards service quality delivery in pairwise comparison of judgment consistent at less than 10%.Results:The results showed the composite priorities of the patients’ perception with respect to determinants of the patients’ perception towards quality of services delivered in the public hospitals in Nigeria. The most important factor to patients was the reliability dimension with composite priority 0.24 or 24% followed by the responsiveness dimension with 0.22 assurance dimension 0.21, tangibility dimension with 0.21, and the least determinant factor was the empathy dimension with 0.1101.Conclusion: Based on the results, the weights and rank order of the criteria (service quality dimensions) and the alternatives (sub-criteria) are essential research driven output for policy formulation and implementation in the healthcare sector for workers’ capacity building towards better service delivery.JEL Code: I1, I12, C80, C83.Keywords: Service quality, Patients, Perception, Analytical hierarchy process, Healthcare, Hospitals, Service delivery
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Oyatoye, E. O. , Amole, B. B. and Adebiyi, S. O. (2016). Patients’ perception of quality service delivery of public hospitals in Nigeria using analytical hierarchy process. Health Management & Information Science, 3(3), 66-73.
Oyatoye, E. O. , , Amole, B. B. , and Adebiyi, S. O. . "Patients’ perception of quality service delivery of public hospitals in Nigeria using analytical hierarchy process", Health Management & Information Science, 3, 3, 2016, 66-73.
Oyatoye, E. O., Amole, B. B., Adebiyi, S. O. (2016). 'Patients’ perception of quality service delivery of public hospitals in Nigeria using analytical hierarchy process', Health Management & Information Science, 3(3), pp. 66-73.
E. O. Oyatoye , B. B. Amole and S. O. Adebiyi, "Patients’ perception of quality service delivery of public hospitals in Nigeria using analytical hierarchy process," Health Management & Information Science, 3 3 (2016): 66-73,
Oyatoye, E. O., Amole, B. B., Adebiyi, S. O. Patients’ perception of quality service delivery of public hospitals in Nigeria using analytical hierarchy process. Health Management & Information Science, 2016; 3(3): 66-73.