Syntactic and Pragmatic analysis of Lexical Bundles in Academic Written Texts of Health Information Management written by the natives: Corpus-Driven Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sepidar ally, Tabiat street khazar square,

2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of English Language and Literature, Arak University (Corresponding Author)


Introduction: Health Information Management, as a well-established field of study which has
its own voice, genre, and journals, introduced itself as an independent and significant field
of academia which deals with issues like health classification and terminologies, electronic
health records (HER), confidentiality, health systems and technology, and health informatics.
The current study was set to investigate the most frequent 4-word lexical bundles, the
semantic structures of lexical bundles, and the pragmatic functions of lexical bundles in the
corpus of Health Information Management academic texts.
Methods: In this study, a content analysis method was used. The health information
management corpus included 2,210,466 words from the research articles and course books.
Antconc 3.4.4 Software package was used to identify the lexical bundles. Lexical bundles in
terms of 3-grams to 5-grams were identified using the software, with a cut-off point frequency
of 20 per one million words, as per Biber et al. (2006).
Results: The results showed that the most frequent bundle was “at the time of ”. It was also
revealed that the most frequent types of phrases in the health information management
corpus were noun phrases and prepositional phrases, followed by verb phrases.
Conclusions: The study found that the pragmatic functions of lexical bundles in the Health
Information Management Corpus were grouped into three major categories including
research-oriented bundles, text-oriented bundles, and participant-oriented bundles.


Main Subjects