One of the most common and important therapeutic tools used by physicians is prescription. The use of digital systems in the health field has many benefits and significant impacts on the health system. One of these systems is digital prescription. In this article, First, we will review the existing infrastructure and work done in this area, and then with a new perspective on health issues, we will provide a new infrastructure.Instead of introduction and use of a product or a system or statistical work , we aim to reviewe fundamental issues in the field of health system and present a strategic plan in the field of medicine from the perspective of experts of medical informatics and IT specialists. In fact, we will present a strategic plan and will provide infrastructure in the health fieldThe infrastructure needed to create a digital system will be provided in order to increase productivity in various aspects of the health system; also, the interactions between different parts of this infrastructure will be discussed.The advantages of this project will be reviewed from the perspective of various elements involved in the health system; these include patients, doctors, health system managers, pharmacies, pharmaceutical distribution companies, insurance office and other organizations, such as the environmental organizations, tax office, etc. and benefits of each one will be reviewed.Keywords: Medication management, Digital system, Digital prescription, Prescribing, Infrastructure, Productivity
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Keshavarz, M. and Abhari, S. (2015). An Overview on Infrastructure of Digital Prescription and a Proposed Strategic Plan. Health Management & Information Science, 2(2), 28-33.
Keshavarz, M. , and Abhari, S. . "An Overview on Infrastructure of Digital Prescription and a Proposed Strategic Plan", Health Management & Information Science, 2, 2, 2015, 28-33.
Keshavarz, M., Abhari, S. (2015). 'An Overview on Infrastructure of Digital Prescription and a Proposed Strategic Plan', Health Management & Information Science, 2(2), pp. 28-33.
M. Keshavarz and S. Abhari, "An Overview on Infrastructure of Digital Prescription and a Proposed Strategic Plan," Health Management & Information Science, 2 2 (2015): 28-33,
Keshavarz, M., Abhari, S. An Overview on Infrastructure of Digital Prescription and a Proposed Strategic Plan. Health Management & Information Science, 2015; 2(2): 28-33.